Birth Trauma Therapy
Healing From Difficult Pregnancies and Births
Processing Perinatal Trauma
Birth Trauma Therapy involves a therapeutic space for you to safely share your past pregnancy or birth experiences. Birth is a multi-faceted transformative experience which can have enduring impacts throughout our life, whether we are giving birth to a baby, a child being born, or partners and support people present at a birth. Birth can be experienced as a beautiful initiation and transformation, evoking feelings of power, love and awe. Birth can also be a profoundly painful, disempowering, and life shattering or traumatic experience, giving rise to waves of grief, loss, shame, guilt, anger, fear…. All birthing experiences deserve a listening heart so that you may feel safe and supported to share your birth story.
Traumatic pregnancy or birth experiences can happen in many different ways. Often it is not the particular experience or intervention that occurs which makes an experience traumatic, but it is our inner experience of feeling overwhelmed, unsafe, terrified, disempowered, lacking choice and trust in our decisions, physically or emotionally violated, betrayed, abandoned, not heard, not seen or felt in our unique experience of birth. You may have experienced the fear of nearly dying or your baby in ‘distress’, or as a support person experiencing the fear of your partner nearly dying during the birth of your baby. You may have felt numbness, loss, grief, guilt, anger, relief, when your baby was taken away at birth, or you may have experienced losing your baby too soon, e.g. miscarriage or stillbirth. You may have felt ok or happy initially to have a healthy baby when they first arrived, but all of the focus was on caring and tending to your baby and you had to put aside the processing of your own difficult feelings, or no one asked you how you were feeling inside.
There are many ways pregnancy and birth can be experienced as difficult or traumatic, all experiences and feelings are welcome when seeking support with an initial Birth Trauma Support Session or ongoing Birth Trauma Therapy sessions.
Birth and Perinatal Trauma Therapy Services
A Birth Trauma Support session involves a safe healing space to share and process your birthing experience. Together we will gently explore why things happened as they did leading up to and during your child’s birth, and any difficult feelings and thoughts you may be sitting with. You will learn more about undisturbed birth physiology and how interventions which can lead to traumatic experiences during birth and after birth can disrupt feelings of safety, intimacy, love and connection, and the sacredness of the initial bonding with your baby.
These sessions are offered for any person who has given birth, as well as for partners or support people who were present for a difficult or traumatic birth. They are also offered for those who are pregnant again or have unresolved trauma from previous pregnancies or births, and are concerned about what their next birthing experience is going to be like.
Online and in-person sessions are available, please contact me first to enquire or arrange a session.
2 hr session - $190
birth trauma therapy
Ongoing Birth Trauma Therapy sessions focus on safely unpacking your birth experience through exploring unresolved emotions or trauma symptoms. These sessions are suitable for those who have given birth to a baby, as well as those who have been present at a difficult or traumatic birth. These sessions are also for adults who want to process their own birth experience into the world, and learn about how perinatal trauma from the past shapes physical, psychological and mental health in their current life as an adult.
Sessions available in-person in Te Puna, Tauranga
60 min session - $100
birth trauma therapy for infants and young children
Babies can also experience birth and perinatal trauma. Babies are highly social from birth and feel their world particularly through their sense of touch, their emotions, their spiritual sensitivity, and the nervous systems of others they are close to. For a baby a difficult birth can show up in many different ways as they develop. It may show up with an unsettled nervous system, with feeling unsafe or unsettled with touch or sensory stimulation, challenges with feeding, digestion, sleeping, and in the basic developmental movements of: yielding, pushing, reaching, grasping, and pulling.
Birth trauma therapy sessions for infants and children aged (0 - 5 yrs) focus on understanding how the birth and perinatal experience was for both mother/caregivers and the child, as well as helping the child to re-experience a different entry into the world and a healing initial bonding/attachment experience. Sessions are guided by the child’s age and developmental needs, and typically involve allowing the child to explore their sensory body and emotional experiences through safe and welcoming attachment play with the support of mother/caregivers. Sessions may include: tunnel play, breast crawling/attachment exercises, play with primal expressions, and emotional attuning exercises between mother/caregivers and child.
Sessions available in-person in Te Puna, Tauranga
60 min session - $100
your birth story in the stars
Weaving the story of your birth with astrology
Do you every wonder about why you arrived into this world at the time and place you did, into what family, and what birth story was shared with you? Or do you think about why you gave birth to your child in the circumstances that unfolded, and what their birth means to you? The birth chart in astrology is a symbolic, complex, and dynamic picture of where the stars, planets and celestial bodies were in the sky at the time your soul arrived on earth and took its first breath. It tells a story… many fluid stories about your life in the past, present, and future. Together we will weave your birth story, or the story of your child’s birth, with astrology to help you connect to your present felt experience of your soul.
Sessions available in-person in Te Puna, Tauranga
75 min session - $110
Who can benefit from Birth Trauma Therapy
Anyone who has experienced a traumatic pregnancy or birth, or emotional challenges during pregnancy, labour and birth, or in the post-partum period
Partners or support people who want to process their experience of being present at a traumatic birth
Anyone with a previous history of a difficult birth, miscarriage or baby loss
Anyone with a baby or babies born prematurely who experienced challenges of bonding and early life in a hospital setting
Initial separation from baby at birth, or challenges with bonding or feeding due to difficult birth and recovery from birth
Constant thinking or ruminating about your birthing experience and wondering if it could have been different
Not knowing who to talk to about your birth experience or whether you have a right to speak up about what happened
Difficult emotions and feelings arising since your birth experience (e.g. guilt, shame, anger, rage, fear, sadness, grief, feeling confused, feeling stuck) and finding it hard to share your experience with others who understand
Experiencing other potential signs of trauma such as: difficulty sleeping, nightmares or flashbacks, heightened sensory responses or feeling hypervigilant and anxious, intrusive or relentless thoughts, feeling tearful or depressed, dissociated or numb, losing weight, changes in desire to eat, feeling alone and isolated in your experience of motherhood
If you have a history of diagnosed mental health challenges, or have been diagnosed with post-partum depression/anxiety, post-partum psychosis, post traumatic stress, or other mood/thought related mental health conditions
Worried or concerned about how the birth affected your baby or child, wondering whether they are carrying trauma from their birth experience
Past experiences of sexual abuse and trauma surfacing in birth or in the aftermath of birth
Difficulties or pain with sexual intimacy due to previous difficult birth experience
If you have had a previous difficult or traumatic birth and are considering conceiving another child, or are pregnant and currently experiencing fear or worry about the birth
If you are wanting to process and understand your own birth experience into the world as a baby, and learn the impacts of perinatal trauma on physiology and your psyche as an adult
Knowing your own birth into the world was difficult or traumatic and wanting to prepare for a different experience when birthing your own child
Healing Birth Trauma Practitioner
Rose Skerten is a Certified Healing Birth Practitioner with the following qualifications and training
BBioMedSci, University of Otago, Dunedin
MSc Human Nutrition, University of Otago, Dunedin
BScHSc Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, NZ School of Acupuncture and TCM, Auckland
Dip. Chinese Herbal Medicine, NZ School of Acupuncture and TCM, Auckland
Hakomi Graduate Therapist, Hakomi Institute, Aotearoa-NZ
Perinatal psychology, birth physiology, and trauma training
Certified Healing Birth Practitioner (Healing Birth Training: Aotearoa-NZ 2024)
Mindful and Somatic Approaches to Working with Trauma (Dr Paris Williams Training: Aotearoa-NZ - 2020)
Pre and Perinatal Psychology Healing (Myrna Martin Training: Canada - 2020)
Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy (Aotearoa-NZ: 2015-2016)
Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Practitioner registered with Chinese Medicine Council of New Zealand, Acupuncture NZ Veteran Certified to provide acupuncture for those experiencing PTS symptoms, distress and chronic pain. (Aotearoa-NZ: practicing since 2019)
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Aotearoa (PADA) - professional member
Philosophy and Approach
Rose is committed to providing safe and transformative support for those who have experienced birth trauma. She believes healing is a personal experience where we discover, with the support of others, that we have an innate capacity to heal and journey towards trust and wholeness in our heart and body. Rose draws on her experience of treating in the field of pregnancy, fertility and women’s health acupuncture. She particularly enjoys working alongside mothers/caregivers and their babies in the early years of life to help with the emotional processing of birth trauma and support the emotional, embodied, right-brain hemisphere attunement of mother and baby. Rose holds an awareness of the transformative primal power of birth, the forces of life and death in the birth experience, and an understanding of the range of emotions and deeply impactful experiences that frequently occur during the liminal space of birth, including: near-death experiences, non-ordinary states of consciousness, spiritual and trans-personal experiences.
Rose’s practice is informed by modern neuroscience in early infant attachment and right hemisphere brain development for long-term physical and mental health, Stanislav Grof’s psychotherapeutic work around perinatal matrices, perinatal psychology and attachment/sensory play approaches to healing infant/child trauma, polyvagal theory and impacts of trauma on the body. She acknowledges the birth and perinatal experience is a foundational time for the early development of the child’s embodied experience of their life, which begins with conception through to the first ~ 2 years of life.
Rose is inspired by the rich depth and meaning of the personal stories surrounding our birth experiences, and the potential for healing through sharing our stories. She is also inspired by the wisdom of many land-based cultures who have very wise birthing practices and have innately known and upheld the need for safety and privacy during birth, the sacredness of birth, the consciousness of the child being born, and the interconnectedness of all living beings.
Rose offers Birth Trauma Therapy as a bodymind practicing therapist, with specific training in working with birth and perinatal trauma, emotions and traumatic symptoms in the bodymind, and an understanding of the impacts of medical interventions in birth. She is a registered Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Certified Healing Birth Practitioner, and offers relational mindfulness and somatic therapeutic approaches for working with trauma. If Rose feels she is not suited to help you on your journey, or if she feels you, your partner, or child would benefit from additional support, she may recommend other practitioners or support services to best support your healing.
If you would like to enquire about any of the Birth and Perinatal Trauma Therapy Services, you can contact Rose below
Client Feedback
“Thank you so much Rose for stripping back the guilt and fear of mine and Audrey’s birth experience, for facilitating so much beautiful healing in us both and for empowering me to strive for a beautiful extraordinary birth experience with my next pregnancy. Forever grateful ”
“Rose provided a safe, non-judgemental space to share my story, and asked helpful questions to help me further process how I was feeling. She provided a number of resources that were tailored to me that I could explore to further help with healing as time goes on. Rose was a great listener and felt very respectful throughout the sessions”
Birth is a wave
multiple waves
we carry inside our heart
until we die
- Rose Skerten
Practice Hours: Monday 8 am - 6 pm | Wednesday 8 am - 6 pm | Thursday 8 am - 6 pm | Friday 8 am - 1pm
Practice Location: 47 Pitua Road, Te Puna, Tauranga 3176
+ 64 21 665 915