Child Acupuncture Tauranga

Gentle and safe treatment for children aged 14 years and under is offered in our Tauranga acupuncture clinic. Children often respond well to treatment, as they generally have robust energy to heal. The treatment is tailored to the child’s age, individual needs and sensitivity of child, and the conditions being treated. We use a range of therapeutic modalities for your child, such as acupressure massage, guasha - a type of massage technique, therapeutic touch, moxabustion, and very tiny needles may be used if the child is comfortable and feels safe with this. Typically the needles are only retained for a short-time. A 15 min phone conversation is requested prior to the appointment to discuss your child’s health and any pertinent health history.

What we treat

  • Digestive upset: stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation

  • Headaches, migraines, neck or back pain

  • Bed-wetting

  • Insomnia and sleep issues

  • Neuro-diverse conditions with attention and concentration difficulties, restlessness, high stress, mood fluctuations, anxiety and depression

  • Asthma, hayfever, ezcema, and chronic infections e.g. ear aches

Child Treatment

45 mins - $60